Sunday, January 12, 2014

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肯定 是 测试 不准, 我 好 几个 瞎 蒙 的, 结果 出来 说 我 让 我 学 和 B1 B2 大家 可以 测测 看 / prueba_nivel 顺便 问个问题, 感觉 老师 语法 好像 也不 太好 没 讲清楚 给 的 几个 例句 是 1 Other things I like to do are play soccer and tennis.这 句话 里面, 我 理解, 是 不是 i like i like i like 针对 是 因为 do. I like to do 是 个小 从句, 去掉 以后, 就是 Other things .... are playing football and tennis. 2 We like to read and play.这 句话 不 知道 的 就是 这里 就 用 了 like? 看 和 玩 也是 两 件事 啊? 老师 讲 I love to read, play and travel 能 理解, 因为 逗号 代表 重复 了 动词, 但是 这里 的 句子 何 解? 3 My favorite food is varied fish. 4 My favorite food is different types of fish.和 4 对比 看 3, 4 里面 还是 主 谓 单 复数 不一致. 怎么 理解? 大家 帮 帮忙.
1 Other things pnina tornai I like to do are play soccer and tennis.如果 改成 这样 呢: Other things I like to do are play soccer and tennis. 2 We like to read and play.如果 是 我, 我 还是 会 用 复数 like. 这里 我 理解 是 把 read and这 是 我 的 理解 哈 ~ 有 不当 之 处 望 纠正 ~ ~
Oli 2009-03-02 18:05:18
这里 有些 讨论 (. 不全 都是 正确 答案) I like running and swimming http://forum.wordref pnina tornai / showthrea d.php t = 1287225 "The infinitives are taken as one: I like to run. I like running and swimming. (In singular because the subject are two verbs in the infinitive). I like to run, swim and play. I like coffee and tea (Here the verb is plural because the subject is formed by two nouns) "Things you like to do http://forum.wordref / showthrea d.php? T = 1070518" If the subject is plural, the verb is plural: I like many things -> I like many things But if the subject is a subordinate clause, but this sentence has subordinate objects in the plural. What things do you enjoy doing? -> I like to do many things "are my favorite ... http://forum.wordref / showthrea d.php t = 392437 "When the subject pnina tornai and the attribute are two nouns that differ in number, it is normal to establish consistency with the plural element:" My childhood memories are a courtyard in Seville '"
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