Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kirikukantaatidega Good Friday Good Friday, April 14 was St. John

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Tallinn was the first in almost all the churches of the holy camp of the children's sake. Ajalehtedegi headlines were mostly pastors. Jan Lattik had his article published in the Daily Newspaper of the gospel of Mark built up the words: "Let the little children come to me", Theodor Tallmeister polemiseeris the open usuvastastega Maas, Echo newspaper claimed that "the struggle of the world, which he began in his lifetime, is not yet dead. Our time is not yet ripe for knowledge of the truth ". robe di kappa
Palm Sunday Palm Sunday of spiritual music, occurred on April 9 Male Choirs Choir of the University of Tartu in the church. The plan consisted of smaller songs. Commanded by Eduard Tubin. The plan was well received by the learned. A deep, rich hue and stylish presentation took Palestrina "O Domine Jesu Christe" and Järnefeldti wayfarer Night Song", also Türnpu "Kyrie" stood out as suitable for dynamic shading. But the concert attended by Karl Leichter found a reason to complain: Bach, Beethoven needed voolavamat kindlailmelisemat representation robe di kappa "of robe di kappa God's glory in the wild" BOOST bothered sporadic. Tastefully presented by Karl Põlde religious songs, accompanied by organ music at the University of Enn Network. Tartu German theater was organized by the Methodist church on Palm Sunday Youth Association Gala "song of worship". There was a firm choir, which was chaired by O. Leesmann from Tallinn. Collar Lutheran church were held on Palm Sunday worship service Võru Male Choirs Concert Choir. The scheme was repeated on April 22 Võru orthodox church. Tartu Day Adventist church, there were other composers H. Adams chair Advent Mission Seminar mixed choir and orchestra of Riga. St. Paul's church robe di kappa in Tallinn robe di kappa Dome Church was organized church dinner. The verbal portion of the care of a teacher robe di kappa Reinhold Proud, robe di kappa were mixed choir and soloists Helm chair Arnold Biltse Betlem, Voldemar Posiman and organ Hugo Oberg (Lepnurm).
Kirikukantaatidega Good Friday Good Friday, April 14 was St. John's Church St. John's oratorio chorus and orchestra co-operation robe di kappa of the Broadcasting kirikukantaatide place in the evening. Soloists robe di kappa were Karl and Karl Ots Viitol, organ professor August Topman. Fog was chaired by Topman. robe di kappa The presentation came Rakvere church organist and choir director Robert Hein Forest "Promised Land" and the Conservatory student Johannes Hiob "Isaiah preached". "Promised Land" was written in the book of Moses, and spake the second deliverance of Israel from Egypt: "And robe di kappa the Lord revealed Himself to Moses from the bush of wild roses that he had to lead his people out of Egypt to the Promised Land." People still urgent prayer rises towards the sky, screaming at the end: "Get out of here!" Musically calm and deep grave of Moses aria - a prayer for God to bless the venture. In response to the evil of Pharaoh, who do not want to let the people of Israel, is a duet with Aaron and Moses. The orchestra sounds creepy line "hävitusmotiiv robe di kappa usher in an emergency, and a description of the misery that God sends to Egypt. God and Pharaoh, the fight represents a dramatic orchestral scene. Cantata ends, thanks to prayer, robe di kappa which expands singing its praises. Slightly disturbed the papers too high vocal. "Isaiah's proclamation" is the essence of the vision of the prophet Isaiah. Israel is a God, he hath denied, but idolizing his own handiwork: "Our truth is that intoxicates the senses and is able to conjure up." Foretold of the coming of Jesus, who must redeem the sins of Israel. As darkness sounds depressing "He died for us". Large increases in the musical and choral shout "He lives!" Leads to a spectacular lõpukoorini robe di kappa "For as the people ... feel the joy of eternal life, eternal robe di kappa joy". Pacific on Saturday was in the Holy Spirit Church clergyman concert with musical interpreting the coming kannatusaja, Holy Week and Resurrection Mysteries: Schütz's "Saviour of the seven words on the cross" for soloists, chorus, orchestra and organ, Mendelssohn's robe di kappa motet "thee, O Lord, my heart" a cappella choir and the second part of Schubert's Symphony in B minor. Hellman a soloist (soprano), pizza (bottom) and Zwetkov (bass). Organ played robe di kappa by Evald Brauer and Paul Pressnikoff (Indra), who was also the conductor.
Holy Spirit Church of the Holy Spirit, the Church House, shortage of space April 18, they bemoan the fact that the major holidays are so many guests in the church, that would not be enough space. It was discussed whether there should first be allowed under church members church membership card, and if there is enough space, robe di kappa then the other. It was found, however, that the church doors should be open to everyone. Court, the Ministry of Interior confiscated robe di kappa the workers' culture, but the association of educational leaflets Uprising

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