Tuesday, July 8, 2014

In reality, we are in a period of transition, because most of the information creators of the digit

The Digital Economy: Time Revolution?
A while ago I was going to write about this, but the specific impetus emerged from discussions shoe repair about ANVA and Fogenous interview. I noticed that most of the piracy comes from moral positions, shoe repair recognizing the phenomenon of evil and discussions by directing the offense and sentence accordingly. But if piracy shoe repair is simply a crime? Can it be a (r) evolutionary process of the digital society?
Before you consider we should recognize that piracy - the same as defined in existing laws - is the absolute norm of society. Nepirataujančių no more than the doctrine of celibacy. But this is not because the public has suddenly become completely shoe repair amoral. The same people who are downloading music, movies and programs, share them at the same time donate to charity, take care of cleanliness in the city, trying to help disadvantaged and usually takes most of the other laws and moral norms. Therefore, briefly left the law and morality alone. Let the digital age otherwise - from an economic perspective.
I am neither a politician nor an economist - I did not create any theory itself. This is what I am going to tell you, I found a Techdirt notes. Michael Arrington and other authors argue that the value of the goods due to their "rarity" (Scarcity). Pieces, unique creations have the highest price or even is invaluable, because the owner will never agree to part with a unique object. At the other end we find the digital information that is infinite - there are no limits of digital file copying. Thus the price is zero. Unlimited copied item can not be stolen, because even took a thousand of these in the same place still remain shoe repair much as they want. Infinity can not put "kopiraito.
This theory fits well in economic history. Until the Industrial Revolution, the aristocrats and the wealthy landowners had to piece productions and exclusive right to use and enjoy them, because shoe repair they were not as reproducible. The industry has developed a method similar products available to the wider masses - a growing bourgeoisie elected shoe repair copied and used items made machinery products, reducing the price so that it is affordable to the poor and even vidutiniajai class. Remember luditus? We hold that it was the time the RIAA, MPAA or LATGA-A, as opposed to the mass reproduction of single works - the first transformation "rarity" in the economy. However, people's desire to have what until then had only the rich, defeated.
The digital age is going another transformation. Now, a massive, but still limited produced products - books, music, movies, records, programs, articles, encyclopedias - converted into a unique new digital "zero rarity" product. They do not and can not have a price. To infinity and not sales.
DRM and other means to copy from trying to put a bridle - the infinite product to create artificially rare. In reality, it does not work because the DRM is not part of the product. Before fitting the chains already exist in the infinite product, in digital form.
But they traded! Amazon e-books, music and movies on iTunes - after all this is going on! Yes, I am. But if pažvelgtumėme the other hand, it could find that it is only a marketing indulgences - I buy an mp3 from iTunes, because my morals do not steal "or" I buy it because I want to support the developers. Both subjects are welcome, but does not change the essence of the matter - in a way to pay the money can be considered as a contribution or donation, fee for security or legal roof, but no fee for this product. Because it's free.
Take the recent case of the subjects dealt with abundant Radiohead album. In fact, musicians have acknowledged that their music is infinite and free, while spot prices have helped the victims of the virtual hat. This paid off greatly shoe repair as people paid no money for the files with songs recorded, and used it as a way to express gratitude, sympathy shoe repair and support for the group, encourage it to develop further. All of this will not prevent any Radiohead expensive to sell rare things - concerts or attributes, even collectibles albums in special packages.
And what programs filmmakers? Adapt. Yesterday I read that the former commercial applications shoe repair Enso Launcher became free. It is logical, shoe repair but maybe too late, because Launchy already owns the market. Recently FeedDemon became shoe repair free, but Google Reader has captured the sympathy of consumers.
In reality, we are in a period of transition, because most of the information creators of the digital economy ignores the laws and try to defend themselves from their outdated legal norms distorted shoe repair unlimited products using limited product rules. People are aware that this is nonsense, and make their own. And the smartest of the profit Apple and other companies, of which one side is pressing Hollywood and the record companies "to open the digital world, the other - collecting payment from customers in exchange for a free product and unsustainable, the intangible

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