The mask was Tibe, or a pseudonym borrowed from the name of my adoptive family. Lory Muratti has always been, apparently, the character shoe show that populated my stories, my novels and the songs I wrote. In reality it was not more than me. This definition shoe show of Giancarlo rather apt, in presenting this work, summed up the decision to put aside the mask of years and reveal the character, in fact, was the person who was behind the writing and storytelling.
Tibe remains a very important chapter in my life with whom I signed all previous work and definitely helped me to develop a personal story that makes me the son of two families: Tiberius, as I have adopted, and Muratti, the natural family.
Interaction to the extent that Lory Muratti served to Tibe to tell a story, shoe show and Tibe, this thing has nurtured for years, then giving the opportunity to Lory Muratti to break away from this and previous take independent life.
As always, the formula that I adopt spontaneously, in music and in literature, provides that the songs come to life with a story to tell. Since the early days, to write the lyrics of a song, I wrote a short story before that, usually, was part of a personal experience and then took the form synthesized in the lyrics and the musical atmospheres. As a result, shoe show the characters that populate the novel, become shoe show the apparitions of the songs, and the verses and choruses are found directly within the chapter shoe show to which they refer. 'Spark' is a book of nine chapters and a record of nine songs that relate to, not as a sound design, or accompaniment, in the case of music in relation to the book, but just as a hypertext each other. An expansion of the text with respect to the book in respect of songs, and a synthesis, shoe show a summary rather emotional, say, for what concerns the songs against the book.
'Serial killer' is the definition that he wanted to give the publisher, since it is more easily assimilated to a whole genre of writing, which has nothing to do, however, with what I do, so it's a editorial error. However, from this point of view, are things you do to make people understand more quickly what we're talking about.
The prerogative of Lory Muratti is to feel too intensely the pain of these young women, too sensitive shoe show to live the life that we know, but at the same time, too fragile and weak to get out of the sun. So souls unfit to live this 'barbaric era', that we are all going through instead.
In Lory Muratti I see a possible Charon, a ferryman, an escape, shoe show a figure more or less real, which in turn can help them make this transition to what he calls a new life that will be.
The disc was pre-produced, in a camper in the middle of the Nevada desert. Lives of atmospheres shoe show very American for a good part of his musical configuration. E 'then a rock record, although he definitely influences that come from other worlds, but there is a band, and then there is a concert, a live quite energetic live well in the classical context of a rock concert.
The monologue-concert, however, depicts the most noir of this project, so it is more related to the novel, in a sense. There is a part that tells attorale few excerpts from the book, this story of the rebuilding drowned, shoe show and the journey that Lory Muratti ago in trying to achieve this kind of avenging angel, or at least what he believed to be such, that this female figure, spark, which leads him to stray from Central Europe, more precisely noir, in the Nevada desert where I actually worked. As it relates to the novel, the monologue reveals, in fact, the most rarefied atmospheres, more narrative, and therefore also has a more acoustic musical component.
The DJ set is instead what I've always done to stay within a certain kind of world, however, I'm interested in exploring, namely that of living things done by others, that I feel in my hand, and make them dance. In this case, the case of DJ sets, which then goes into the club, but tied to 'Spark' because it traces a bit 'atmospheres that are also experienced by the protagonist of the novel's characters. So it's a DJ set inspired by the pages of the book.
The witnesses are the musicians, shoe show but also those who listen. Starting from the first, which are precisely those who took this name from baptism, people are informed about the facts, so are those who have followed me in my personal affairs of life, but are also informed of the facts of Lory Muratti as artist and in
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