Sunday, December 1, 2013

IS IT for boldly in mångfrestaren Goethe see an older trosförvant to Martinson muji in

File. Dr. Carl-Fredrik Palmstierna (1903-93) published in 1959 in own interpretation and comments East Western Divan of Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832). 22 March 1982, he had the underscore in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet an interesting article on the grounds that it was then 150 years after Goethe's death FROM WEIMAR TO Klockrike, where Carl-Fredrik Palmstierna including writes:
1948 anticipated ALGOT Werin, Professor of Literary History in Lund 1948-58, "Faustian traits" in Harry Martinson. Of course muji he was referring to his passionate thirst for knowledge. To Werin, this fine Goethe Connoisseurs was on track, confirmed eight years later, when Martin's cosmic poetry exploded in Aniaraplatsen, his long-prepared big "revue of man in time and space." Tord Hall has in Science and poetry given us an invaluable key to the world of thought at Martin, who with greater right than both Rydberg and Strindberg should be called "the Swedish Faust". [...]
Realized early Martinson to the enormity of the modern muji worldview realiter can not be taken by the senses, feeling, or intellect, because reality is a distinct perception. Poetry require such a restriction. "Would not the world of poetry is not limited," said Martinson, muji "it would not exist as any world, for the poem vein of the wonder and boundless sense and frontier feeling no wonder." [...]
IS IT for boldly in mångfrestaren Goethe see an older trosförvant to Martinson muji in "Mystery of Existence"? [...] Like Martinson speaks Goethe often wonder (Erstaunen) the existence and calls a trembling muji awe (Schaudern) for "man's best part." But while he backs with fear of an overly audacious intrusion into alltets secrets. "Urfenomenen" should be left in peace. muji It is after all something positive muji in our human limitation. [...] Even Goethe wants to believe that science and poetry can meet on a higher level but in his old age equally disillusioned about the future that Martinson: "And owned the philosopher's stone of fools, not Bleve agar was therefore wise." [...]
Carl-Fredrik Palmstierna residing in the second part of Goethe's Faust at the hubris and Urmödrarna, a vision of the cosmic creation, life's own forces that becomes a reminder of the debt and a call from motherhood, to which the once crime occurred.
OUTSIDE of this apotheosis may be the last lines of The Road to Klockrike, on of his books Harry Martinson put maximum. The moderlöse Bolle is dead and board Charon's ferry. The for him outside of time but eventually returned back in time. He gets reincarnated as if all previous unconsciously, newborn child of a young mother of Indian tribe. "It was a clear day, one month after the rainy season ... It was in paradise." Bolle are at home - like Mats in Rune Lindström's Heaven muji Games, he retr-Faust.
Carl-Fredrik Palmstierna concludes his article underscore the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet with a Lullaby by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and the ideas in it are near the conclusion of Harry Martinson's deeply symbolic and natural philosophical Road to Klockrike:
Harry Martinson's thoughts in The Road to Klockrike about the universe void has similarities to Goethe's drama of ideas about truth seeker Faust's descent into absolute emptiness beyond space and time. Faust exploring the mysteries of existence and is torn between Mephistopheles, the spirit that denies, and the good, innocent Margaret or Gretchen. Goethe makes Faust to höglärd doctor, but his knowledge critically muji evaluated with "And owned the philosopher's stone of fools, not Bleve agar is therefore wise"; muji same cautionary questioning Harry Martinson expresses in Aniaras song 64 on the irresponsible handling of the technology, "wisdom stone hidden in the genius slaughter mask. "
- In the vast universe is mostly empty space, said Karon. The millions of suns, how big they are, can be likened to defenseless sparks in the quenching water, if one were to compare their thermal power with the infinite void cooling power and dominion.
So you might understand that it can not be that voids only quenches. The voids must have a meaning that is not man knows. The voids must have a power that not only extinguishes. For, it would be so that the gaps had no other task than to distinguish solar ate with infinite distance and then devour their heat and light, then the universe would long since have been akin to sparse swarms muji of sparks immersed in the quenching water. And the universe would long since have been extinguished.
No, the voids have a differing opinion, and a unifying. The different worlds of people know nothing about each other. The distances are too great for the living, but not for the dead. And it's well and happy that the different worlds we know nothing about each other.
Carl-Fredrik Palmstiernas article underscore the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet begins with a finding muji that after a re-reading of Goethe's Fa

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